

A Subscription object.



Authentication object used to access the API (See Simplify::Authentication for details)

Public Class Methods

create(parms, *auth) click to toggle source

Creates an Subscription object


a hash of parameters; valid keys are:

  • amount Amount of the payment in the smallest unit of your currency. Example: 100 = $1.00

  • billingCycle How the plan is billed to the customer. Values must be AUTO (indefinitely until the customer cancels) or FIXED (a fixed number of billing cycles). [default: AUTO]

  • billingCycleLimit The number of fixed billing cycles for a plan. Only used if the billingCycle parameter is set to FIXED. Example: 4

  • coupon Coupon ID associated with the subscription

  • currency Currency code (ISO-4217). Must match the currency associated with your account.

  • currentPeriodEnd End date of subscription's current period

  • currentPeriodStart Start date of subscription's current period

  • customer Customer that is enrolling in the subscription.

  • frequency Frequency of payment for the plan. Used in conjunction with frequencyPeriod. Valid values are "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY" and "YEARLY".

  • frequencyPeriod Period of frequency of payment for the plan. Example: if the frequency is weekly, and periodFrequency is 2, then the subscription is billed bi-weekly.

  • name Name describing subscription [max length: 50]

  • plan The ID of the plan that should be used for the subscription.

  • quantity Quantity of the plan for the subscription. [min value: 1]

  • renewalReminderLeadDays If set, how many days before the next billing cycle that a renewal reminder is sent to the customer. If null, then no emails are sent. Minimum value is 7 if set.

  • source Source of where subscription was created


Authentication information used for the API call. If no value is passed the global keys Simplify::public_key and Simplify::private_key are used. For backwards compatibility the public and private keys may be passed instead of the authentication object.

Returns a Subscription object.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 80
def self.create(parms, *auth)

    auth_obj = Simplify::PaymentsApi.create_auth_object(auth)
    h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("subscription", 'create', parms, auth_obj)
    obj =
    obj.authentication = auth_obj
    obj = obj.merge!(h)
find(id, *auth) click to toggle source

Retrieve a Subscription object from the API


ID of object to retrieve


Authentication information used for the API call. If no value is passed the global keys Simplify::public_key and Simplify::private_key are used. For backwards compatibility the public and private keys may be passed instead of the authentication object.

Returns a Subscription object.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 122
def self.find(id, *auth)

    auth_obj = Simplify::PaymentsApi.create_auth_object(auth)
    h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("subscription", 'show', {"id" => id}, auth_obj)
    obj =
    obj.authentication = auth_obj
    obj = obj.merge!(h)
list(criteria = nil, *auth) click to toggle source

Retrieve Subscription objects.


a hash of parameters; valid keys are:

  • filter <table class="filter_list"><tr><td>filter.customer</td><td>Filter by the Id of the customer with the subscription</td></tr><tr><td>filter.plan</td><td>Filter by the Id of the plan linked to the subscription</td></tr><tr><td>filter.dateCreatedMin<sup>*</sup></td><td>Filter by the minimum created date you are searching for - Date in UTC millis</td></tr><tr><td>filter.dateCreatedMax<sup>*</sup></td><td>Filter by the maximum created date you are searching for - Date in UTC millis</td></tr><tr><td>filter.q</td><td>You can use this to filter by the Id, the name or the amount of the subscription</td></tr></table><br><sup>*</sup>Use dateCreatedMin with dateCreatedMax in the same filter if you want to search between two created dates

  • max Allows up to a max of 50 list items to return. [min value: 0, max value: 50, default: 20]

  • offset Used in paging of the list. This is the start offset of the page. [min value: 0, default: 0]

  • sorting Allows for ascending or descending sorting of the list. The value maps properties to the sort direction (either asc for ascending or desc for descending). Sortable properties are: dateCreated id plan.


Authentication information used for the API call. If no value is passed the global keys Simplify::public_key and Simplify::private_key are used. For backwards compatibility the public and private keys may be passed instead of the authentication object.

Returns an object where the list property contains the list of Subscription objects and the total property contains the total number of Subscription objects available for the given criteria.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 106
def self.list(criteria = nil, *auth)

    auth_obj = Simplify::PaymentsApi.create_auth_object(auth)
    h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("subscription", 'list', criteria, auth_obj)
    obj =
    obj.authentication = auth_obj
    obj = obj.merge!(h)


Public Instance Methods

delete() click to toggle source

Delete this object

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 91
def delete()
    h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("subscription", 'delete', self, self.authentication)
private_key() click to toggle source

Returns the private key used when accessing this object. Deprecated: please use ‘authentication’ instead.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 50
def private_key
    return self.authentication.private_key
private_key=(k) click to toggle source

Sets the private key used when accessing this object. Deprecated: please use ‘authentication’ instead.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 55
def private_key=(k)
    return self.authentication.private_key = k
public_key() click to toggle source

Returns the public key used when accessing this object. Deprecated: please use ‘authentication’ instead.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 40
def public_key
    return self.authentication.public_key
public_key=(k) click to toggle source

Sets the public key used when accessing this object. Deprecated: please use ‘authentication’ instead.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 45
def public_key=(k)
    return self.authentication.public_key = k
update() click to toggle source

Updates this object

The properties that can be updated:

  • amount Amount of the payment in the smallest unit of your currency. Example: 100 = $1.00

  • billingCycle How the plan is billed to the customer. Values must be AUTO (indefinitely until the customer cancels) or FIXED (a fixed number of billing cycles). [default: AUTO]

  • billingCycleLimit The number of fixed billing cycles for a plan. Only used if the billingCycle parameter is set to FIXED. Example: 4

  • coupon Coupon being assigned to this subscription

  • currency Currency code (ISO-4217). Must match the currency associated with your account.

  • currentPeriodEnd End date of subscription's current period

  • currentPeriodStart Start date of subscription's current period

  • frequency Frequency of payment for the plan. Used in conjunction with frequencyPeriod. Valid values are "DAILY", "WEEKLY", "MONTHLY" and "YEARLY".

  • frequencyPeriod Period of frequency of payment for the plan. Example: if the frequency is weekly, and periodFrequency is 2, then the subscription is billed bi-weekly. [min value: 1]

  • name Name describing subscription

  • plan Plan that should be used for the subscription.

  • prorate Whether to prorate existing subscription. [default: true] (required)

  • quantity Quantity of the plan for the subscription. [min value: 1]

  • renewalReminderLeadDays If set, how many days before the next billing cycle that a renewal reminder is sent to the customer. If null or 0, no emails are sent. Minimum value is 7 if set.

# File lib/simplify/subscription.rb, line 149
def update()
      h = Simplify::PaymentsApi.execute("subscription", 'update', self, self.authentication)


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